Reverse Shadow
After the accident the chicken was trapped alone in the depths of the caverns. Finding a vest and helmet the chicken began a search for a way out.
Exploring the endless darkness of the underground can only be safely done when wearing a dayglow orange vest.Tech Lines
Glowing RGB lines and shadows are the most fundamental aspect of modern technology. At the highest level the colors never stop shifting.
My current computer doesn't do this at all. Maybe I should go in on it next time?
I did a weekly challenge thing and the theme was lamp so I drew one and applied some light chicken blemishes to match the site's aesthetic. This is not how lighting works, like at all, but I like the cone of light aesthetic.
I own one desk lamp with a pullcord, but it's honestly an oddity compares to the little twist knob or button you push in.
Kart Racing
Shining Hero
Generally speaking I don't have good lighting on these since I like flat colors, but I do generally at least keep everything around the same brightness. For this one I wanted the Shining Hero to be a vibrant figure shining through the dark environment! It might look more like 2 disparate parts though?
Flat Beak
I think I hate this.
I'm not sure what else to say on this one. I tried to get outside of my comfort zone but I don't like it. I'll be getting back to my normal repetitive designs.
No Eyes
I'm in no mood for drawing eyes, so I didn't. Who knows what strange cartoon anime eyes I would have put in there in the first place? The lack of eyes all together is much more stand out than usual.
Still MS Paint
I had somewhat forgotten the wonder that is MS Paint's curve tool so today's chicken was made almost entirely with it. Observe the extremely rare 1px outline, uncommon under the chicken maker brand. After all I mostly just use the 4x4 "round" brush.
Falling Flames
This was meant to be something like a fading firework but the falling colored lights feel more like a sort of ghost fire. Not the normal way to ring in the new year, but it will have to do.
Let's all try to have a good year, okay?