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Chicken Maker
July 28, 2019

Bird Crown

A true king of birds. Rather than a common comb this one has a crown. But not like an eagle. It's made of metal. Honestly it's rather scary.
July 24, 2019

Eye Hell

It's hard to say what wrong this bird did, but we can say with certainty that it did wrong. Elsewise it wouldn't be in a place like this.
July 20, 2019

July 2019 Wallpaper - Storm Caller

A maddened call to the heavens and, shockingly, a fowl burst of lightning responds.

As a reminder I guarantee a new wallpaper every month once we reach the $5 level on Patreon, which we now have. You can download this wallpaper at full size here.
July 19, 2019


The reader searches the shelves looking for the tool needed to read the aged tomes. Now where were those glasses?
July 15, 2019

On Holiday

I'm on holiday and I'm sorry to say my mouse died half way through drawing this. Not sure how much else I'll get out this week.
July 11, 2019


A skilled artist. You can tell from his scarf and hat. Also the quality abstract sky and grass in his recent piece behind him. Sheer artistic skill and talent confront you. Do you dare to doubt it?

Red Cloak

A strange bird in a red cloak. Where did it come from? Where is it going? These questions and more will almost certainly never be answered.
July 07, 2019


As the alarms sound the color fades away from the guarding rooster. He knows that someone or something is around. He is in full alert.
July 02, 2019

Vibrant Shadow

I do a lot of fancy outlines and 'auras.' This is kind of the opposite. Instead of a streak of color around the figure we have an empty space, with the vibrant colors outside shown.