September 26, 2017
This is a bit different from my usual scribbles. It is of course a slightly different scribble. Please enjoy it with all your heart.
Chicken Maker
9:20 PM
This is a bit different from my usual scribbles. It is of course a slightly different scribble. Please enjoy it with all your heart.
September 25, 2017
Play Ball
Chicken Maker
8:56 PM
Truly it is important to sport whenever possible. Don't got a ball? Use a bird!
Actually don't. That's super uncool. Don't kick random animals.
Actually don't. That's super uncool. Don't kick random animals.
September 24, 2017
Why Bother
Chicken Maker
10:44 PM
Why even bother with any of this? Life is a dull and monotonous thing. You're a weird shape and your wings are lightning. Wait, that last part seems impressive. Why don't you brighten up man?
September 22, 2017
Bird Card
Chicken Maker
4:04 PM
Where do these things even get off claiming to be birds? They don't even fly! This wing thing is just making me look like a fool.
September 19, 2017
Chicken Maker
5:03 PM
What can you say about being a Victorian Edwardian old-timey gentleman? Oh yes, that's right. Old Timey Gentlemen aren't chickens. Well, this chicken is certainly putting on the ritz.
September 15, 2017
Wood Burner
Chicken Maker
4:37 PM
This is a wooden box, which I have drawn on using a wood burning pen I've had laying around. I think it came out pretty well,though I obviously need more practice. I'm using it for magic cards.
September 06, 2017
Chicken Maker
9:32 PM
This is truly the pinnacle of MS Paint achievement. If I didn't know better I would think I was abusing the gradients that tools like Flash and Photoshop have made ubiquitous. But I do know better. This was very tediously done in MS Paint. I hope you enjoy it.
Chicken Maker
4:49 PM
A true gentleman always wears a cravat and vest while standing in front of a book case. Well, I suppose this isn't really a man. It's more of a fowl. A true gentlefowl always wears a cravat and vest while standing in front of a book case.
Super Hero HD Background
Chicken Maker
2:34 PM
The Spawn-type was more interesting to draw, but I prefer the classic style superhero personally.
As a reminder once we hit the $5/month support level on Patreon I will make one of these every month.
You can download this, and many other wallpapers, from this post on my Patreon.